Orange sonar buoy with Darkwater logo on a wooden stand.

Hand deploy custom towfish

Custom towfish in a case Without Transducer or cable

$1999 ca + shipping

Use stock cable extension and a rope to hand deploy sonar from boat, customizable transducer bay to accept any transducer up to 9” x 2 1/4”. Upgrade youre current system to a Towed Fish system. Towfish is weighted for deep use

for deeper unit see our 500ft winch system

orange and black cylindrical object on a wooden stand, on a concrete floor

humminbird custom towfish

Humminbird Towfish with transducer for APEX/SOLIX/HELIX

$2999 ca + shipping

Upgrade youre current Humminbird system to a c hand deploy sonar towfish c/w transducer and one 30ft extension,Towfish is weighted for deep use. add more extensions for deeper searching.

For deeper unit see our 500ft winch system